Thursday, January 15, 2015

Comebacks Suck

It's true people, comebacks suck or at least they do in the beginning. So a brief history. In 2014 I hired a triathlon coach and while I loved her my body did not. She worked at making me faster in my running and trying to change my gait so I was more efficient. While it sounded GREAT in theory in the end it was not. By Spring I was battling plantar fasciitis( a pain in the heel that is like walking on rocks at best). Now it never bothered me while running so I kept at it and saw great increases in speed during training yet come race time I just farted out. I had my worst times EVER in running races and was not enjoying myself.

Fall rolled around and I signed up for a full marathon (26.2 fun filled miles) in November. Training was going ok despite the heel pain. Hot Rod Red and I went down to watch Beach to Battleship and cheer on Swim Bike Mom and another friend. While there we went for a run. I made it about 7 miles into an 18 mile run before I cried uncle. I don't normally pussy out but I did that day and didn't give a flying flip. My entire foot was throbbing to the point it hurt to walk. Anyway, got home and took a week off from running. The pain in my foot was not going away so off to the podiatrist I hobbled. Not only did I have a bad case of plantar fasciitis but I had a stress fracture. Craptastic! I deferred my marathon, put on a walking boot and cried.

One month later I am out of the boot and doing physical therapy but wary and feeling unmotivated and FAT! Even though I swam and biked a little I did it half heartily. So I was out of shape FOR ME. I clarify "for me" because I had a friend almost punch me in the face when I told her this.

Slowly and I mean slowly but surely I have been getting my distance back up and it has sucked big fat ones people. My lungs feel like they want to punch me in the throat when running uphill and my legs want to detach themselves from my body and become roadkill. Why is it that taking one month off feels like I am starting over?

Oh, before I forget I signed up for a half marathon in March in the mountains and before that I have a Swim Bike Mom Traincation (that's a vacation for triathletes because we don't do things like normal folks) at the end of February. Therefore, my arse needs to get back into shape and quick! With the weather being so terrible the last couple of months it hasn't helped in the training department. Running on the dreadmill is, well, dreadful and putting my bike on the trainer is even worse. Talk about preparing for mental toughness. Riding the bike indoors is boring even when you have shows on Bravo to watch-there isn't a Real Housewives marathon that can possibly make it better. It makes me want to scratch my eyes out! But alas, I hop on and get it done because I have a comeback to make!

I have been trying to enjoy my training and trying to remember to be grateful I can even do the things I do but really I have been swearing every damn hill I meet and curse each and every long run. I am trying to enjoy the conversations with my besties and cherish this time rather then preparing for a speed interval. I know I will get back to where things are easy again and enjoyable. Until that time I am standing by my claim that comebacks SUCK!

1 comment:

  1. Don't call it a comeback
    I been here for years
    Rockin my peers and puttin suckas in fear
